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Pocket training

Bag and fitness training is a workout where you stand in pairs at a punching bag. During this class you will train all muscle groups and work on your condition & endurance. Athletes of all levels can participate, ladies and gentlemen, regardless of age and experience.

Our enthusiastic trainers and energetic music make the pocket training our most popular class. There is absolutely no threshold, because you decide for yourself to what extent you are committed. You can completely demolish yourself or take it easy, the choice is entirely up to you!

Pocket training with technique

The first half hour on the bag and the other half hour with your partner, that's what bag training with technique entails. It is a combination between bag training and kickboxing technique training.

Pocket and trail training

Best of both worlds! A combination of boxing bag training and functional training in one class. The (kick)boxing exercises on the bag are alternated with body exercises. These are exercises with your own body weight like squats and situps, but also on all our new HIT (High Intensity Training) equipment like airbikes and rowing machines.
Bag and trail training is one of the best workouts we offer, in part because there is so much variety in the classes. You train strength throughout your body, but also work plenty on your fitness and endurance.

Morning Mass

The very unique pocket training! For many years, we have gathered with a large group on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. to start Sunday off in a great way.


  • Jeremy Blijd
  • Gilbert Yvel
  • Jerry de Jong
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