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Free trial week

Red Cairo, new coach!

Burning Heart, Red Cairo

Against my habit I started writing my blog on Friday morning. Normally, I send it to René Taling on Thursday.
Since Monday I have been editing the images from last weekend. I shot over 500 shots at Maltstock where I had a great weekend. Had the organization promised to deliver the various items by Thursday afternoon at the latest and what I promise I do?
All in all, more than 45 minutes were made that are fun for the participants to look back on. Normally I keep the videos short to keep the attention but in this specific case it has become a bit longer, quite a job that as mentioned took quite a bit of time.
I made a promise to myself to write a blog every week and so far I have succeeded.
It will be a fairly short blog this time, on the one hand as said lack of time and on the other hand not much new to report.

Member base

Updating the membership file is in the final phase, Noa has done a great job that I am both happy with and proud of my granddaughter. The irritating sound from the computer is less and less because almost everyone is in the computer with the right data.
Which does not alter the fact that you should scan when you enter!


Our new trainers are slowly but surely finding their way around the dojo and I am very happy to announce that a giant will be joining us from next week. Jerry has approached Red Cairo to give a weekly bag and conditioning training and a pad hour. I got to know Red Cairo as a passionate fighter and an extremely sympathetic person.
We at Burning Heart are very pleased with Red Cairo!

As mentioned before, this time the blog is on the short side, I would like to ask you to use your pass, especially at the top of the gym.
Notice far too often that people go in with groups and don't just check in.
Jerry is currently making Russia unsafe but when he returns home we will discuss how we can put an end to this, think of blocking the card in time because checking in is too important for all kinds of reasons.

Until my next blog

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