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Free trial week

New on the BoxingYoga roster

From Thursday 24 September every Thursday evening at 19:30.

The class will be given by Froukje Heres.

BoxingYoga is a form of yoga based on the movements in boxing.
BoxingYoga helps you in your sport by allowing you to move more freely and prevent injuries.

Some comments about Boxing Yoga:

"BoxingYoga is very sport-specific to what I do, and I am definitely going to implement into my training, as it's going to help me improve in every department. A lot of fighters don't know how to stretch properly. BoxingYoga has everything they need. BoxingYoga keeps you young and it keeps you fresh and keeps your body more athletic for a longer period of time, so you can do what you love for longer."
Scott Quigg, World Super Bantamweight Boxing Champion

"Following the success of BoxingYoga in pre-season at our Training Academy, we set-up regular post-match BoxingYoga recovery sessions for our First Team. The sessions have proved extremely beneficial and it's no coincidence the squad are recovering faster from injury and showing improvement on post-match fatigue. We couldn't be happier with the effect BoxingYoga is having on the players and their ability to consistently perform at the highest level. I strongly recommend BoxingYoga to everyone."
Philip Morrow, Performance Director, Saracens Rugby Club

"Chelsea FC Foundation are extremely excited to be working with BoxingYoga. Their programmes give our learners a really unique experience regarding the fitness and discipline of boxing, fused with the suppleness and mindset of yoga."
Matt Mead, Head of Education, Chelsea Football Club Foundation

"Yoga for tough guys. How a yoga regime devised for boxers became a fitness phenomenon. The discipline abandons many of yoga's more traditional conventions and focuses on more streamlined activity, directly targeting improved sporting performance."
Forever Sports Magazine

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