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Free trial week

Check-in, Beastside, Enthusiasm Seminar

Check-in, scanning, gym

After a more or less forced week of rest, feeling lousy and fluish, I picked up the thread. Can't say I'm feeling 100 percent now but my living room is coming down my throat so I did some work on it this past weekend and had quite a few questions about the parking item mentioned in my last blog and of course answered them. Also put this extra on facebook with the pictures separately. Notice that not everyone is aware because the last few days I have seen quite a few "wrong" parkers. I understand that not everyone reads facebook or my weekly blog so, where possible pointed out the people who were parked wrong.
What I also noticed this week is that people are now parking on the patch of grass beginning large parking lot on the right. Would urge parkers to absolutely not do this as it poses a danger to departing athletes. These are more or less forced to ride halfway onto the bike path before one can see cyclists coming from the left. Mopeds in particular often arrive at great speed and before you know it one lands on your hood. So no parking on that patch of grass for everyone's safety!!!

Seminar Mike last Saturday

"The enthusiasm of the feedback from the ladies from today's seminar is huge!!! Of course I already knew it but when this is confirmed like this it is really cool!!! Already decided that there will be a sequel in March, on a Sunday!!! So glad we were able to make this possible friend Maik Konstantinides!!! You really are unprecedentedly unique"

A comment Jerry posted on facebook the day after Mike Konstanides' successful seminar. A group of about 18 ladies had a particularly instructive afternoon led by Mike.

Friday will be another night at the gym with a DJ, light show and tattoo artists. There will be workouts during this heavy workout during the presence of a DJ turning the volume up to maximum! An extra scoop, stock up on plenty of protein, call your friends that you're joining later, because during #BEASTSIDE it's time for your Muscles! Not yet a member of Burning Heart gym in Hilversum?
No problem, non Burning Heart members should purchase a day pass worth €10 so you can experience this great night.

Renewed Website
It took some time but our revamped website is now almost 100% complete. Personally quite satisfied with the result. On the homepage the beautiful movie of Gebr. Heyl with 2 buttons where you can either get in touch directly or request a trial week.Scrolling down a little our sports offerings illustrated with beautiful pictures of the dojo and fitness.
Under the heading Trainers offer all the classes we teach at Burning Heart
The Roster heading shows a clear picture of our classes each week.
On the About Us heading we introduce our trainers guild.
Heading Rates shows the rates of; Burning Heart, Dance Dance Dance and Ladies Only.
Ladies only gives an overview of the activities there
News contains a number of newsletters
Contact includes the opening hours, addresses of the gyms and a contact form.
All this is richly illustrated with photos.

Printed copy roster Burning Heart
We have been without an up-to-date roster at our dojo for a while. Because there was quite a demand for it, we have a printed copy for you as of today. You can find the schedule in the box on the bar.

24 hour drop
As of 29-01-2018, access is only possible through the new system after regular opening hours. The readout system which was attached to the door has been returned to the manufacturer. The new readout system is located on the door pillar on the right side when standing in front of the door.

Check-in dojo Burning Heart
Cited countless times but still athletes come to Burning Heart believing that check-in does not apply to them. There is no exception to this rule for anyone!!! Even when no one can be seen behind the counter you just have to check in with your pass or phone. For me personally, this is the biggest annoyance I experience at our dojo. Recently in a span of 20 minutes, I saw 12 people on camera at home, just walking to the locker room without bothering to check in. You don't see this at any gym, an alternative is to install a turnstile but we feel that is too customer unfriendly. It is a small effort to check in at the entrance. It also happens sometimes that people forget their passport, please report this and then we can check in manually. In addition, it is a must and a condition that emergency personnel have a complete list of attendees available in case of an emergency. This also goes for the top floor, scan each one individually, sometimes it takes several seconds before the light turns green.

Also when one has scanned at the main dojo scan again, the computer then indicates that one is already logged in and this 2nd scan is not mentioned!

Until the next blog


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