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Free trial week

Hammers and Dumbells

Dumbelss, Hammers, Dojo, Burning Heart

The past few days have been quite busy with all kinds of things, it started on Friday afternoon with the very successful kickboxing exams for our young members, about which more later in this blog. Saturday not behind the bar but in the direction of Nijkerk where a 3-day event took place. Hadn't been there before but I was amazed and thoroughly enjoyed this event. Firstly, the colossal size stood out, there were 3 city buses continuously commuting back and forth between the parking lots and the venue. Secondly the location was perfect in my eyes. What also stood out was the fact that both the big and the smaller brands were present in the photo field. Camera now, the organizer, really had everything done down to the last detail.
The only downside was the fact that I am responsible for myself, my physical condition is such that it became heavier for me by the hour.
Due to a blood clot in my brain, I started to struggle with walking and that has gotten worse lately. After a few minutes of walking, my right leg starts dragging and I walk like crazy harrie.  But yes, there is no cure for it so just accept it. On Sunday, first behind the bar during the morning mass, then the whole day behind the computer to process the filmed images of the exam.
Monday we continued with that and at the end of the afternoon I was present at the dojo for part 2 of the kickboxing exam for our older youth. I will come back to this as well.
On Tuesday I processed the images I had recorded on Monday.
Wednesday half the day I did all kinds of chores on our dojo. The rest of the week I take it a bit easier ?

Looking back at kickboxing exam

Burning Heart, Dojo, Kickboxing, Certificate-1
I don't often attend when the youth trains on Friday afternoons, but for this time of course I did because there was something to earn for our youth, namely a real kickboxing certificate.
From the beginning of this exam, I was impressed by the fanaticism and drive of the youth during the various exercises they had to perform in order to obtain the certificate. What also caught my eye was the experience that the trainers showed.
Jeremy, as creator, with an assessment paper as a faithful companion who could be found all over the floor and wrote down comments, assisted by Noëll who gave instructions to the young participants. And then, of course, there was also Twan, who made himself known in his well-known way. Nice to mention that everyone of the young participants has obtained the coveted certificate, really something to be proud of. The following Monday it was the turn of the slightly older youth who were present in large numbers. Just like with the smaller athletes on Friday, you saw that most participants were getting ready to undergo the exam with a healthy tension on their faces. This time, in addition to Jeremy, who was of course in charge, several assistants were also present.
The most impressive is Salith Gitgel, who is responsible for the matchmaking of our youngsters from dojo Burning Heart. Liselotte Lubbers and Berivan Hancer were also Jeremy's assistants this evening. Later in the evening, Kervan Boom also joined as an assistant.
In between the film work, I personally enjoyed the atmosphere between these boys and girls, I think this can be attributed to Jeremy.
When Jeremy came up with the idea some time ago to create different certificates for kickboxers, I was immediately enthusiastic and believe me, it is taken very seriously by dojo Burning Heart!
Last but not least, my thanks go to René Taling who took care of the photos. During the 2nd session on Monday I had programmed the camera incorrectly, stupid of me, was on the button C1, which is normally suitable for film work instead of photos, yet the images were very acceptable, thank you René for that?

Dojo, Burning Heart, Kickboxing Exam

Hammers for tyres

On the opening photo of this blog you can see a photo showing an ingenious wooden block to store the impact hammers. Creator and executor of this artwork is Mark van de Toorn, who can regularly be found in our gym where he does various other chores for us. One of those chores is securing the mats near our practice ring. Because we had started laying the new mats in a different place, it turned out that space was created between these mats over time. Something that is absolutely not allowed because something like that promotes injuries. By securing these mats, this can no longer happen!
The leather supports that I mentioned in my previous blog are also present on the devices.

Dumbells 60 kilograms

Recently, Burning Heart has a suggestion complaint box that hangs in the hall downstairs. We noticed that on several forms the demand came up for 60kg. dumbells.
Response from Jerry; These are going to happen.
Since there is a hefty price tag on these dumbells, Jerry asks whether the step from 50 kg to 60 kg is not too big and there should be an intermediate size of 55 kg. Through various reactions on facebook where jerry had asked his question, it was responded that they would appreciate it if 55kg. dumbells could also come.
It remains for me to mention that this Sunday, Easter Sunday, Easter Sunday, the dojo will be closed, but of course the fitness/trail room will be at your disposal.
On the 2nd day of Easter there is morning mass at 10.00 am and no other activities on the dojo, but the fitness / trail room is open all day.

Until my next blog

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