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Free trial week

Fitness Update

Fitness, Dumbbell, Burning Heart

It's the middle of the week and I have no idea what to mention in the upcoming blog. I'm also afraid it's going to be a short blog. What is positive are the weather forecast for next week, there is lovely spring weather predicted so I am going to clean my balcony for the coming period. As of Friday, I am a babysitter for Daphne and Jerry's twins for 10 days. It's going to be a commute between my house and Jerry's house because he's going to enjoy 10 days with his eldest daughter and boyfriend plus Daphne.
After a quick look at New York, the journey continues to Guatemala in South America.
So my place to sleep is Jerry's house where I'm going to try to keep the Twins in check. Despite their young age, the girls are already quite independent, but a grandfather in the background seems desirable to me?

Morning Mass Upcoming Time

Because both Jerry and his regular replacement Abman will not be present next Sunday, the morning mass will be presided over by someone else. Who that will be is still unknown, but no doubt a competent person will lead the morning mass.

Viking run

Viking Run 2018, Dojo Burning Heart

Last Sunday I made the list of the 90 participants and emailed it to the organization. Quite a job because they also asked for the e-mail address and date of birth. Now I have entered the e-mail address for everyone as a info@burning-heart and as far as the various dates of birth are concerned, I am just guessing.
Otherwise, it is impossible to continuously switch between the list of members and the questionnaire of the Viking Run.  If there is information from the organization via info@burning-heart, it will of course be passed on to the participants. We will also try to get the participants tickets etc. in advance so that they can be handed out in the bus.
Participants who do not take the bus will receive the tickets at the course area of the Viking Run. Wish everyone a very successful event in advance and keep your fingers crossed for nice weather.

Starting this Saturday, I'll be training for the VIKING RUN!! Every Saturday from 09:00 to 10:00. Start running downstairs in front of the door and all parts are discussed, just like in the run! Great for the condition and for everyone. All under the guidance of Marco the Viking specialist!!

Parking at the dojo

Lately we noticed that our parking lot is overcrowded, especially during the day. Almost every building on the Kerkelanden industrial estate has been bought or rented out and due to the fact that there is little parking space for these companies, every empty space is taken.  That's what we found out at Burning Heart. Now the parking lot around the dojo is private and there is a towing arrangement so I started posting early in the morning to get insight into who is parking his car. Partly due to the fact that the Tomin group has recently banned parking on their own property, their staff, and there are quite a few, look for every empty spot and that around seven o'clock, also on our site. Started with a note between the windshield wiper with a neat but compelling text that we are going to ban their cars on our property. Next step after I had noticed that they had not started posting about that early in the morning to address them personally. Not everyone I spoke to about this could understand my arguments. Most common answer, I have to park somewhere, my answer, park everywhere but not on our own property because we even need our parking spaces. Was not appreciated by everyone but made sure that they left our site, often grumbling but those who know me a bit know how I react? Curious how this will continue because we really use the tow away scheme. Parking in the evening is not a problem, although you sometimes have to walk a bit.

Fitness news

Fitness update! The 55 and 60 kg dumbells have been ordered as well as an extra pressure bench and 3 Olympic bars. The flat 'normal' printing machine is very popular and it is getting busier so it is necessary. Been wanting to change the fitness for a month but has been so busy at Otopoets that it just doesn't happen. The first thing I'm going to do when I get back is rearrange the fitness.

Until the next blog

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