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Free trial week

Erik Ouwerkerk

Faithful readers of my blog, start with some personal information that went into effect immediately. Because I changed my provider a while ago, I have changed my e-mail address to If you want to send me an e-mail for any reason, please use the above address.
Also, my phone number has been changed with immediate effect,
new number is 06-83165892.
At first I didn't want to mention this number but since this number is for emergencies in the Fitness room I did.
So much for my personal message.

Fitness room
Not only have there been some changes in the personal sphere, there have also been some changes at the dojo. As of last Tuesday, instead of a Laptop there is a Desktop, this due to the fact that there were regular complications with the scanner at Fitness space. This Scanner was connected to a usb port via all kinds of emergency measures but fortunately is now connected the right way, a com port. Every change does not work right away I have experienced, for example at 02.00 Tuesday night we got an automatic Update of Windows and then the computer is restarted after the Update but not everything went smoothly, the scanners were not started along. Which meant no one could go in from that time.
A lot of back and forth with Epass but finally everything is now as it should be. The lock of the outside door was also broken so that the drops did not work, so we had to unlock the door constantly to be able to continue our 24 hour service.
Fortunately, this problem has been solved and now we hope that everything is as it should be.

Erik Ouwerkerk
Starting next Saturday at noon, Erik Ouwerkerk will teach an hour sparring class for boxers. This class is open to both members and non-members, kickboxers are also welcome.

However, the rule does apply: respect each other's level, Sen and the Gym.

Lately I sometimes get the question if there is no schedule available, my answer is invariably; take a look at our site, If you click on the heading schedule at the top of the page, you will find a clear overview of our classes, arranged by day. There have been some changes lately so this list may not be complete but we strive to update it regularly. Just below the word schedule you will also find the classes of Dance, Dance, Dance and Ladies only.

A Night to Remember
November 27 the gala "a Night to Remember" will take place in the Dudok building. It promises to be another spectacle of the highest order. Several athletes from Burning Heart will put their best foot forward at this gala. At our Dojo, tickets are available for € 30,00 for this event, please pay in cash.

Until the next blog.


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