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Free trial week

Dance, Dance The Run

Dance Dance Dance The Run
Pretty hectic week behind me at the Dojo, final preparations for the Fisherman Friend's Run and preparations for the new section of Burning Heart.
Starting with the Fisherman Friend's run, this Friday I climb into my car to pick up the tickets in Nijverdal. After much wrangling I managed to get the tickets in advance.
Could only by picking up in person so Jerry and Daphne promised that I will do that because both are currently incredibly busy with all sorts of things. So if all goes as planned the tickets will be at the Dojo on Friday late afternoon. The incredibly nice shirts will be in the house at the same time. People who are not going on the bus I recommend picking up the tickets at the Dojo, Friday night or Saturday morning. I will be at the Dojo in person until noon Saturday morning after that I will not be available because I too need some free time. Again non bus passengers make sure you have your tickets in your possession because getting your tickets on the Sunday when the run takes place is no do.
Needless to say, the bus leaves Sunday 08:30 from the Dojo, we expect the trip to take just under 2 hours and our group's start time is 11:25. Perhaps wise to bring a packed lunch in case you get hungry during the bus trip. At 6 km. after the start of the run, Maeva has arranged for a table to be set up for us with drinks, chips and some fruit. After the run, 2 sandwiches will be distributed to participants. When you join the BBQ, don't eat too much because we will be spoiled. Do remember to bring drinks which are supposed to be brought to the BBQ.
Of course we have no control over the weather conditions so make sure you have dry clothes with you. Should it be snert weather during the BBQ we will just go indoors.
Wishing you a very enjoyable day and keep the banner of Burning Heart high.

Dance School Dance Dance Dance by Burning Heart
After much deliberation, Burning Heart's expansion is finally a reality.
In addition to the previously announced ladies gym, we will also be launching a dance school called Dance Dance Dance by Burning Heart.
All of this will happen just steps away from our current location.
We are in the starting blocks to transform the current building into a space worthy of Burning Heart.
The pressure to make it all happen is quite spicy, we have given ourselves a single month to turn the current premises into something unique and are no sooner satisfied when we ourselves feel that such is indeed the case. If you want to find out a little more check out our site under the heading:

Dance School Dance Dance
There you will find a small explanation of how to get there and also the schedule that will be used initially.
Am really eager to contribute to this wonderful challenge and believe me we will succeed!!!

Check in
My blog wouldn't be complete if I didn't also have something to whine about.
Can't repeat it enough but athletes please check in with your pass or phone.
Still see people daily simply avoiding the check for whatever reason. Rush hour it is for these individuals with the class change. Often our staff is busy with someone and then see individuals simply walk through without checking in. It is paramount for YOU and for us to know who is in. We can also make some sort of pool gate with a turnstile but we are not the gym after that, keep it cozy and just check in.
If for some reason you don't have your pass or phone with you, please report it to the front desk so we can log you in manually.
It also happens quite often upstairs that someone opens the door from the inside, please do not do this!
See you next time,


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