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Burning heart: Towels, Coffee and...

In my2nd blog, I begin by reporting that I am particularly pleasantly surprised by the number of people who have viewed or read the first blog on the Burning Heart site. Was told by our webmaster that the counter stood at over 3300 last Tuesday (12-1), was quite a bit overwhelmed by this pleasant announcement.

Jerry recently posted a message on facebook about the large number of clothes, towels, shirts, etc. that are left behind in the locker rooms.
Bandages, shin guards, bits and gloves are also regularly left behind.
Recently I was stopped and asked:

"Dick I probably left my bit in the locker room 3 weeks ago, maybe it was found?"

Now used bits don't look particularly appetizing but behind the counter there is a cup where we keep them for a few weeks then they go into the trash. Conscious person was unlucky because I had emptied the cup a day before his request.

I urge you if you have left something behind and you find out about it quickly give me a call (06-51387100) and I will make sure the article is saved.


Once a month, these mostly towels and shirts go to the clothing collection bin with the exception of coats, sweaters and good-looking pants, which end up in the plastic barrel which is in front of the toilet next to the trash can.

For those who love a cup of coffee or something similar, since last Monday there is a brand new coffee machine with a very wide selection. As a coffee addict, I can guarantee you that the quality is top notch. We have been struggling for weeks with the old machine which turned out to have all kinds of defects, but fortunately that is in the past.

The upcoming renovation of the cross-fight room and upstairs entrance is about to begin. One and all depends on the elevator working again, our cleaner Reggie apparently had a weak moment. The vacuum cleaner was in the elevator on the first floor and he was about to plug the cord into the outlet 5 meters away when someone on the2nd floor called for the elevator. Result lets guess, cord was pulled out of his hands and got tangled between the elevator door. This damaged an element such that the elevator refused service and is no longer usable.

Since this part was ordered and has a certain delivery time it is waiting for this part.
By the way, after shortening the cord, the vacuum cleaner could be used again.

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