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Boxing Gala

It is Thursday again i.e. time to write a new blog. Fortunately there are some topics to put in the spotlight such as our planned Boxing Gala, the New Year's Plunge and just a sport that is becoming more and more popular.

Dojo news
Normally I am rarely at our Dojo in the evening, during the day I wear out plenty of hours at the gym. Last Tuesday was such an evening that I was at the Dojo in connection with checking the computer. Since that day another sound box has been connected to our computer. This box is extremely important for the people working behind the bar, when members are blocked for some reason a sound is heard alerting these employees that something is wrong. This sound was barely audible in the past despite all conceivable settings being at full volume. I received a tip from Peter Keijer who remarked: perhaps it would be useful to install a stronger sound box, no sooner said than done. Another box installed and by golly the sound is a lot better now. This adjustment is important to us because the number of failures is increasing. Jerry spends a lot of hours blocking members where such a blocking has taken place. So members, always check in upon entry, advantage: we know how many people and who are inside and besides that there is a check if everything is neatly arranged. In the case of someone where a reversal has taken place, the following rules apply, you will be given one lesson to make it right after which, unfortunately, access will be denied. A common misunderstanding is the fact that one shows the debit via a mobile however after a few days the bank recovers this debit for some reason. Therefore one has time to check this with your debit. In case of unjustified blocking contact Jerry de Jong. The easiest way is of course to make it right immediately via cash or pin.

Boxing Gala
Back to Tuesday night, it was getting close to 7:30 and I noticed quite a few individuals standing along the side. When the class change had taken place the mat from the lowering screens was full of members wanting to take the Boxing class.
Had not seen it so full before despite quite a few regular followers of this class being missing.
Luckily had my camera with me and was able to capture quite a few images of this inspiring class. What struck me, in between the filming, was the respect towards each other.
Because we regularly changed partners, it could happen that a less experienced person would be standing opposite a more skilled athlete. During the entire lesson I did not see that this was abused. People really took each other into account.....KLASSE!!!
Also the fact that there were 3 teachers walking around on the mat to provide the couples with instructions you don't see anywhere. Really enjoyed this class.
Want to see the footage of this back: Got this video up on You Tube.

Following this topic, a preview of the Boxing Gala at Kerkelanden Sports Hall. Was with Jerry this morning and got an insight into the preparations involved in such a Boxing Gala. A real script has to be followed, with the help of Eric van Ouwerkerk a unique old-fashioned Boksgala rolls out of the tube and can't wait for the start time. Will keep you updated regularly via this blog.

Just your attention for the New Year dive in Loosdrecht, please sign up at the bar as soon as possible if you want to participate and what size shirt you want. It promises to be a real spectacle so people....... sign up!

Until the next blog.


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