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Free trial week

93 Vikings and Lockers

93 Vikins, Strong Viking Run

Is the weather finally going in the right direction?
The forecast for next weekend looks like it, read that the 20 degrees can be reached. Which is also allowed because I thought the Easter days were so bad again. On Easter Sunday the dojo on the top floor was closed so I used it to do some painting on the main dojo. Easter Monday there was the Easter mass, come back to it later, and in the early afternoon we enjoyed a delicious Easter brunch at Jerry's. My eldest granddaughter Noa had put her best foot forward in cooking and served a surprising brunch out of her top hat, a big compliment for the delicious dishes you had made, really enjoyed!
For the rest, the Easter weekend was a hanging weekend for me, lazing around, watching T.V. and doing nothing. Also nice for once.

Easter Mass at the dojo.

Dojo, Burning Heart, Easter
Easter Monday there was the usual bag and fitness training that was quite filled with enthusiastic athletes who wanted to get away from it all. Old and young had a blast under the inspiring leadership of Mister dojo, Jerry. A very varied playlist accompanied the exercises that Jerry had devised. There were chocolate Easter eggs on the bar and afterwards the young participants were treated to a silo of Winegums that went down well. At Christmas we had a so-called free entrance for everyone to get acquainted with our upper floor. Daphne received countless phone calls from people who wondered if Easter was the case again. Now that free access was a one-off at Christmas, so quite a few people were disappointed. There was even a person who stated that why only Christmas and not Easter, my own gym is closed and I want to work out, you just have to dare. What does cause great irritation with us is the large number of so-called followers when the door opens. It is clearly indicated that everyone should check in separately, no one excluded!!

Now we also have to put our own house in order because often the staff does not pay attention and just lets it do its thing, that applies to the regular days that we are open. We are going to seriously consider how to put a stop to this, in addition to the fact that we would like to measure the visit to the gym, it is of exceptional importance in case of emergencies to know who is inside at such a time. So for the umpteenth time, check in with your card or phone!
The official number of visitors at Easter was 266 people, add to that the estimated number of followers and we get well over 300 people.

Lockers at the gym

Burning Heart, gym, lockers
It is regularly raised and the comments/complaints forms raise the question of whether there is the possibility to ensure that lockers can be installed, especially in the fitness room. At the main dojo, you can drop off valuables behind the bar. Of course we take this suggestion seriously and I can announce that there will soon be a number of lockers at the gym to store phone, wallet and other items. The coat rack is also adapted by means of shelves on which you can put your bag. Now it happens regularly that these bags roam through the gym. Especially on the black mats under the climbing frame.
When this has been realized, the security camera will also be adjusted in such a way that we have a sharp and good view of lockers and coat rack to see images when necessary. Fortunately, little to nothing is missing at our dojo, but prevention is better than cure. Take the opportunity to point out towel use in our gym. Too many athletes still don't use a towel, and that shouldn't be the case.

Keeping rooms clean

Gym Burning Heart, Fitness
This week our house painter started repainting the walls in the fitness and trail room. We don't know why, we can only guess, but more and more stains and the like are popping up on the walls. Jerry in particular is bothered by this, so I thought it was time to do something about it. All walls will be taken care of so that everything will look fresh again. The red part of the wall, which suffers the most, will soon be provided with wooden scaffolding parts because they are less contagious. Quite a job, but we think it turns out to be worth it.

Viking Run

The registration period for the Viking Run is closed and the number of participants is currently being communicated to the organization of this run. The state of affairs has ended at the considerable number of 93 people, a number that we have not reached before. Most participants have opted for the coach, which will be announced more at a later stage.

So much for this blog.


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